22 October 2004

cuppa joe

not much to say this morning (almost afternoon). i spent wednesday-thursday night at my grandma's, and had a nice long talk with my cousin. he just turned 19, and after getting over his gangsta phase (pants hanging off of his ass), he's really matured. grown into himself. it is amazing talking to him, amazing hearing how he is doing. that was nice. the next day, my grandma, my cousin and i took a walk in the hills with the beagle, and exhausted ourselves with views of san francisco. gorgeous. absolutely gorgeous. on top of that, i took my grandma to costco, and stocked up on bulk items. it was a lovely day, followed by a lovely evening with two colleagues. eating sushi on solano avenue in berkeley? what can be better. most of all, these people, whom i respect, seem to think highly of me, and somehow i believe them. i can't quite reconcile the fact that i don't believe my family when they speak highly of me; i've always thought that they are biased and therefore unable to judge.... odd, isn't it? but it was a lovely evening, and the best part was picking up my sweetie at the airport. today has been lazy, including reading le guin's earthsea trilogy (well, part of book one at least), and enjoying the morning with a cup of java.
later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 11:29 am

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