23 October 2004

ponderings on a saturday morning

the fog has rolled in, and we didn't even notice it. clear skies last night turned foggy in the morning, and it is downright chilly. leftover dishes stacked in the sink awaited us, plus one of the stray cats had hacked up a hairball on our front porch - lovely - so that was my morning.
earl grey and two slices of whole wheat toast later, i'm in a good mood, needing to clean the house. 450 sq. ft. means tidyness. which just so isn't me. but i'll live!
alrighty, folks, be good, enjoy the weekend. enjoy the extra hour that we gain tonight! what will YOU do with your extra hour? i plan to sleep. yesirreebob, sleep.

dandlioneyes at 10:07 am

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