25 October 2004

glam girl hooker?

ho hum. monday morning, ho hum. i've had a nasty headache and a developing head cold, but i'm trying to keep it under a certain degree of control. still, a ho hum morning. but since i actually did a bit of work last night, i'm not in the worst of moods.
it is foggy central here in the peninsula, but i do see some blue between the whisps.
my honey and i bought halloween costumes - well, sort of. they aren't costumes per se, but rather accessories that we will wear and pretend we have a complete costume. it actually works pretty well. my sweetie has a red sequiny shirt, very cool red horns, and will dye his hair red (yes, devil-esque, but more in the pimp/lounge-singer style). i have a purple wig, fake eyelashes (also purple), and black wings. dark angel? glam girl hooker with wings? something like that. but we look pretty damn awesome, i have to admit.
later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 10:46 am

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