03 November 2004

grief and action

I wrote an earlier entry today that was a raw reaction to the election.

I'm still raw. And sore. and grieving.

Because, folks, face it. Half of the US is now thrown into a grieving process with the same stages of grief that someone who has lost someone goes through: denial, anger, sadness. It is different, but there are definite parallels. There will be acceptance, at some point, but acceptance should not come passively.

I can't stress that enough. I've never been all that active politically, but I'll tell you. Since this administration has been in power, I've done much, much more. I protested against the Iraq war before it happened. I went to peace vigils. I participated in a phone-bank and called voters in Florida, urging them to vote. Why? Because I am disgusted by the type of politics that have been pursued.

So what's the deal now? Yes, we can vent and scream and yell and cry about the fact that the US elected a president based on a ridiculous and abstract notion of fear, and because of morality. Morality? How moral is it to start a preemptive war in Iraq? How moral is it to torture prisoners? How moral is it to get rid of basic civil and constitutional rights? How moral is it to destroy the environment. But we are stuck with this, unless massive election fraud is uncovere...

So we can't sit still. Grieve, for that is necessary. Be nice to yourself. Be with family and friends. But there is also a momentum that has been built, one that has a lot of potential. Pay attention to bills in congress and call your senators. Write to op-ed columns in newspapers. Work on a local level to ensure that your voice is heard.

I am exhausted and don't have the energy to write any more right now. But please, please, don't give up. Give me ideas what I can do, because I also feel helpless. But giving up is not an option.

A big hug to you all.

dandlioneyes at 7:25 pm

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