03 November 2004


What a difference a day makes. Yesterday at this time I wrote a rousing Rock the Vote entry. Two days ago I thought it would all be OK. Today all I can say is I'm ashamed. I'm hurt. To the world, this looks like a validation of the past four years. I can't believe I live in a country where stupidity is awarded. Where imperialism is seen as strength and multilaterism is seen as popular and therefore undesirable.
I don't know what to do right now. I've been gearing up to this election for a long while now, and have been doing little other the past week than think about it. Now it is over, and I wish I could rewind the clock to 2000 and fight for Florida and Gore.
If anyone has any tangible plans for somehow getting the word out internationally that we are not all a bunch of delusional freaks and there are concerned people that are scared about the repercussions of this, please let me know.
Meanwhile, a big hug to you all. I guess it is a day to count our blessing, because otherwise it is just too bleak. And please, keep the dialogue going. We have to keep fighting.

dandlioneyes at 10:10 am

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