07 November 2004

back to my regularly scheduled pero

i like mornings when i am still in my pjs at this time. i really do. i'm lazy and quiet this morning, drinking my pero (a hot drink made out of barley and chicory that tastes like coffee), doing a bit of work. i had bad dreams all night, kicked my sweetie in the night (because in my dream i felt threatened, somehow, and i guess i just kicked...). i dunno, a weird night of semi-sleep and sleep, but not a bad morning.
i read an article this morning in the new york times about anger management and this election, and how unhealthy all the anger is. sure, unhealthy for, literally, one's health. i get that. higher bloodpressure isn't good for the heart. but just saying that and then telling me to take my anger and put it to something productive? again, it makes sense, but i think what needs to be addressed is the source of this anger. my presidential-election-knowledge doesn't go back all that far, but i don't remember this much anger (except 2000, but that, too, was less, because we didn't know how bad it could/would get), ever. yes, reduce your anger, lower your bloodpressure, but my god. there is a reason for that anger.
okay, enough for this morning. back to my pero.

dandlioneyes at 10:57 am

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