15 November 2004

mistress mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?

i planted some crocus bulbs in the back yard today. in 4 patches. about 70 bulbs total. i'm hoping they come up in early spring. it was good to be working in the yard. i have to admit, i like planting better than, say, raking.

otherwise, all i can say is: what a day. i've hit the perpetual i can't concentrate phase, the what the %&^** am i going to do post phd. i'm assuming it is all psychological, and on top of that, a catch-22. a) i am bored with work, meaning i don't do it. b) not doing work makes me anxious. c) i continue not doing work and get more and more anxious. the only thing that would mitigate the anxiety would be, you got it, work. but i'm bored with work. so cyclical. what's a girl gonna do?

if i had more bulbs i would be planting them.

dandlioneyes at 3:50 pm

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