18 November 2004

3 dreams in a nutshell

i had craz-a-licious dreams last night. actually, all were nightmares or anxiety dreams of one sort or another. not the most fun thing in the world.

a) a dream about my apartment being infested with killer turtles. the fear was palpable. no kidding. these things could appear and disappear in the carpet, and hid in the clothes and papers that were strewn about the floor. they would bite my leg (their mouth could hold an entire foot with an iron clamp). it was pretty damn freaky. when i tried to leave the apartment (it was dark outside), the lights wouldn't go on outside and all the lights inside were all of a sudden broken, too. so i was stuck with turtles and woke up in a sweat.

b) a dream about being back in high school. i was visiting, which is in and of itself odd. so were a bunch of geriatrics holding flowers in their hand. they chased around the school, pointing their flowers at people whose clothes matched the blooms. lovely. when those with the matching sweater took the flowers, a noxious fume came out of it (as in "welcome to the island"), and they fainted. our very own saucy99 was in that dream and fainted, and i carried her out of the school. then i woke up.

c) third dream was about a cockatiel, who had been abused. his creast feathers had been cut off. i took him inside and helped him.

that's all. it was bizarre. they've been pretty intense recently.
later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:00 pm

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