27 November 2004

slow moving day

one of those days that never really takes off. you know? one of those days when you went back to bed after an early run to the airport. one of those days when you then wake up around 10:30, read in bed, and decide that getting up at 12:30 or so would be just fine. just one of those days.

we also biked up to los altos, had a cup of coffee, and biked up. which was rewarded with a big massive leftover thanksgiving dinner type meal, and dessert. because, hey, all those calories burned have to be replaced. uhm. yeah.

i wish i was a bit more content. wish i was a bit more productive. wish i had a bit more clarity about what i'll end up doing in the next few years.

i'm glad tomorrow is sunday.

dandlioneyes at 7:46 pm

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