27 November 2004

bath time

[previous entry today]

after a fit of high-level anxiety about, what else, the future, a bath is in order. water is running, and i'm looking forward to the all-around-heat. baths, to me, are healing. in philly in my apartment, when the heat was broken in december, i used to sit in the bath to do my studies, because it was the only place i'd be warm. healing AND functional.

i had a bizarre and frightening dream last night/this morning (when we hopped back into bed post airport): three pre-teens were out in our driveway, and i went downstairs (prob. to feed the cats) and they threatened me with a knife. i ran back upstairs and watched how they took a baseball bat to our car, knocking the glass out and stealing the radio. i later caught up with one of the brats and i called him an a*$hole, and i shook him and told him to never do that again. it was a bizarre dream, but i was really scared of these kids.

the bath is full, woohoo. in whatever home/apartment/house we end up next, i want to make my bathroom into my little den of happiness: with nice towels, lots of shelves and light, soft rugs, maybe even a chair to drape clothes over. i imagine a sort of pale green and white bathroom, porcelain handles on the sink faucet - and the sink a freestanding basin sink. ah yes, i can picture it.

night night, folks.

dandlioneyes at 9:49 pm

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