28 November 2004

20 years ago, i . . .

shamelessly stolen from culotte

20 years ago, i . . .
1. was in first grade
2. was living in a university town in germany
3. had two goldfish as pets

15 years ago, i . . .
1. was living in berlin and felt awfully independent
2. had a siamese cat named esperanza
3. had my first crush on a guy in my class

10 years ago, i . . .
1. was living in chicago and was a senior in high school
2. had way too big glasses but thankfully was rid of my braces
3. was planning on where to go to college and hat met j*ne good*ll

5 years ago, i . . .
1. was a phd student living in philadelphia, got an orange tabby cat, and had to have my mom put my old siamese cat to sleep
2. was head over heels in love with the man i would eventually marry
3. was missing california

circa 2-3 years ago, i . . .
1. got engaged (see here)
2. temporarily moved to california
3. had all my books and belonging stolen from a storage unit in west philadelphia (seehere)

1 year ago, i . . .
1. moved to germany to do dissertation research three months after getting marriede
2. traveled throughout germany: bonn, berlin, freiburg, muenchen, karlsruhe, hamburg, weimar, ruegen...
3. had a very rough time emotionally that led me to therapy, which i quit, because the guy was inept.

so far, this year, i . . .
1. am back in california in a 450 square foot apartment
2. finally am living with my husband
3. am writing (attempting to write) my dissertation, and also making big decisions in my mind like �maybe academia isn�t for me�

yesterday, i . . .
1. got up at 4:45 am to bring my dad to the airport
2. went on a 6 mile bike ride
3. finished a book by banana yoshimoto

today, i . . .
1. made pizza dough
2. wrapped some xmas presents and got them packaged up for germany
3. enjoyed the chill of the cold fall air

tomorrow, i . . .
1. really need to get work done
2. will cook a nice meal for the two of us, since my sweetie has his oral exams the day after tomorrow.
3. should put away the laundry i washed today

next year, i hope to . . .
1. know where we are settling done, and maybe buy a condo/house, depending on where we move to
2. know where my life is going
3. see and spend time with all my good friends

dandlioneyes at 5:16 pm

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