29 November 2004

plugs, repetition, and bumping (in the night)

since all my days are the same, you might as well read yesterday's entry.

no, i did do something different today. i listened to the scooby dooby doo soundtrack, which, believe it or not, i won two years ago. i didn't purchase it, and i think i've listened to it all about once. i can understand why. but i actually enjoyed hearing about "things that go bump bump bump in the ni-ight!"

i biked, i wrote a bit, i puttered a bit. the days fly by and i don't seem to know where the time went. i wrote some holiday cards (check your mailboxes soon), but mostly i just put addresses on the envelopes and put a stamp on said addressed envelope. not much written yet. no rest for the wicked!

uhm, what else. my sweetie has his dissertation defense orals tomorrow. send good thoughts to the bay area tomorrow around 2 pm. he's going to do incredibly well and i'm proud as can be and pleased as punch, but it'll be great to have it done and over with.

shameless plug: i'm trying to get a free i*pod. if you are at all interested, sign up via my referal link here. wired.com also has an article on it underscoring that it is legit. click here for that article. and i'll have you know that saucy99 is the one that got me hooked on the idea that i can have a free i*pod. yeah.

i think that's all for the night. i'm so tired right now, i can't keep my eyes open.
g'night, all.

dandlioneyes at 9:07 pm

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