01 December 2004

orals, snoozing, and high-school

so, drumroll, my sweetie passed his oral exams in flying colors and i'm so proud of him! i was pretty nervous yesterday, mostly because i'm a featherweight with nerves and a lot of things will get to me. he was so prepared. he was so professional. i got to watch (only female in a see of XY chromosomes), and he was so in his element. amazing. i was so proud, and so, well, impressed. really and truly neat.

we celebrated by going out to dinner, by watching dvds, and then by sleeping in this morning. which was just great. nothing like 10-11 hours of sleep to put a smile on my face!

in other news, my high-school may be attempting a reunion ... we are coming up on 10 years (thank god). always an issue for me, since i hated high school with a passion (ask my two accomplices eggsaucted and saucy99 about it. it wasn't good. high school was cliquish. i felt like a total outsider, my clothes weren't right, not to mention that i desperately wanted to at least date people, let alone have a boyfriend, which apparently wasn't in the stars for me at that point save a few dates. (in retrospect, thank god, because most guys in our grade were scumbags). but recently i got an email from literally all of the people who i thought were scumbags (they have apparently kept in touch), saying they had started an online forum. and of course i sign up, because hey, as much as i don't want to see people (though after 10 years i can say that i'm over the whole hating high school thing), i am amazingly curious what happened to them. it used to be a mean sort of "i'll bet that person now lives in a trailer-home and has five kids" sort of thing, and now it is just "whatever happened to them" sort of curiosity. the mean-ness is gone out of it (for the most part). anyways, it just has been odd thinking so much about high school recently...

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 11:53 am

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