09 December 2004


[see previous entry today on the usual academic anxiety]

so, apparently, i have moxie. or so i was told by a 70-something man at my local kinko's (now fedex-kinko's). i was xeroxing, he was xeroxing, and hey, we started talking. turns out he was an east-coaster originally (boston area, then upstate new york), and then he moved out here in the 50's for a job at kodak-eastmann. fascinating guy who liked to talk. who was really down on how things are progressing (health care, work ethics, job loyality, etc). who was impressed with new technology while at the same time amazed that everything was different.

all in all a lovely conversation that lasted me through a whole 300 paged book that i xeroxed (flip page, press down on glass, press button, pick up, flip page, pres down on glass, press button, pick up, and repeat ad nauseum). took the boredom out of the job. at the end (although he really did all the talking), he told me he thought i had moxie. and that the world would be okay with people like me in it. what a lovely conversation.

when i got home i had to double check the meaning of moxie. apparently, i have gumption. and i'm okay with that.

dandlioneyes at 2:07 pm

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