12 December 2004

change of scenery needed

a quiet weekend once again which included a bike ride to california avenue for stationary goods (for the hubby's job applications) and for a cup of coffee, a day with my hubby's family (lots of good food), and a lazy sunday. lazy, because i haven't done anything.

aloo gobi is simmering on the stove, or my version of aloo gobi (cauliflower and potatoes), which includes peas and tofu. we'll see how it turns out. i don't have all the right spices, but it can't be too bad...

otherwise, yesterday in a week we fly to illinois for the holidays, which will be nice and exhausting at the same time. i need to sit down and break down the time that we spend with my mom and with my dad, which is never a bundle of fun. but i am looking forward to getting out of my routine. in germany, i was used to hopping on a plane or a train every 2-3 weeks, even if just for a weekend. always a change of scenery, a week or two at home interspersed with a trip to see friends, or a weekend getaway, a research trip, etc. etc. but here, none of that. so i'm definitely ready for a change of scenery and routine.

must go check the stove... later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 5:38 pm

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