12 December 2004

name changes

so why am i just now, 1.5 years after my wedding, trying to figure out the whole "changing name" thing? because i still haven't done it. we got married, and two months later i moved to germany. i didn't think i'd have time for the bureaucratic hassle of name changes before then. and now i'm back, and i still don't know what to do.

you see, i've published under my maiden name, which, for the sake of argument, let us say is jones. [all names changed to protect the innocent and especially the guilty!] thus, i've published as dandlioneyes middlename jones. and it seems a bit of a pain to switch to dandlioneyes middlename kasifoglu for academic purposes.

switching simply to dandlioneyes kasifoglu is hard on me, since i'm used to dandlioneyes jones, and have used that a year and a half past my wedding date. i've also, however, used dandlioneyes jones kasifoglu, regularly, and i think that might be the most appealing option. sans hyphen. as in hilary r*dham clint*n, you know?

does that cause trouble later on with having kids? is it annoying to write hubby kasifoglu and dandlioneyes jones kasifoglu on the back of cards? is it annoying to get cards addressed simply to dandlioneyes kasifoglu in the mail, if jones kasifoglu is what it is going to be? because, you see, right now i get all four possible variants of the name in the mail, and i get annoyed.

that's right:
dandlioneyes jones
dandlioneyes jones kasifoglu
dandlioneyes jones-kasifoglu
dandlioneyes kasifoglu

why am i turning this into a proverbial storm in the teacup? mole-hill all of a sudden looking like a mountain? because a) it has to do with identity, b) i'm stressed about it, and c) i want to know practical repercussions...

wow, i'm rambling. any suggesting? seriously, what have you all done, or your spouses, or what do you intend to do? ack, i don't know why this is driving me so nuts.

goodnight, all! previous entry today...

dandlioneyes at 8:31 pm

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