26 December 2004


snow finally fell this holiday - yesterday in the evening, so we had a late white christmas after all.

and it was an exhausting christmas, but what else was to be expected? i was ridiculously emotional yesterday (lots of crying) - today was better. to be able to cope, my hubby and i have dived into playing the game "civilization" on his laptop, a game of micro-management that lets you build up a civilization, and, ultimately, sees it destroyed by another, more powerful one. not all that great for the holidays, but amazingly addicting. playing it, for me, is all about not thinking about my own life at the moment.

so the new year inches closer... we return n the 31st, and the idea of being back in california makes me nervous. but i guess things will all fall into place. i have a schedule to complete chapter drafts and give them to a friend. we have a lot of other things to look forward to, including finding out where we will settle down for a while.

and all things considered my life is really, really good. i'm fortunate. i got ill reading about the earthquake and tsunamis in southeast asia today.
the tragic loss of life, of land - just awful. the world is a pretty hostile and awful place, and it sucks coming from a country which is in large part responsible for the awfulness of the world, natural disasters aside, of course....

what a cheerful entry. no, really: today was a good day for me: i had a telephone call with my best friend from kindergarten in germany, and otherwise i am doing just fine. i like the idea of the upcoming new year because it has potential. here's three cheers to the potential that the new year has to offer!

good night! later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 8:26 pm

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