23 December 2004

update from the prairie...

not the easiest break so far, in part because the jumping back and forth between parents thing. in part, because we got here to find that my orange and white cat chester who lives with my mom had a virus. a bad one, which could have been fatal. fever of 104 degrees. we took him to the vet, and we still really aren't sure what it is but i am hopeful given the fact that he has a huge appetite and wants to be around people. when we got here, he was listless and hid in a closet. a huge scare, but i think (knock on wood) he is on the mend now.

so not the easiest, but i am doing okay. german christmas tomorrow night; american christmas on saturday. all done with shopping.

otherwise, not much else. am addicted to playing civilization right now, clearly an escapist sort of thing... (we are the silesian civilization, right now threatened by the chinese, who, by the 15th century AD, have in the game developed railroads and battleships. we'll see what happens). and it is cold as all hell.

be well! hugs to yo all.

dandlioneyes at 6:35 pm

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