19 December 2004

yes, cold as hell

so apparently it was cold today in chicago. someone remind me why i am here and NOT in california? oh yeah, the holidays. icy, icy cold. it is 10 degrees fahrenheit right now, and i'll bet it'll drop more before the morning....

frigid temperatures made downtown seem empty on what would could have been one of the busiest shopping days of the year. even watertower place was managable, and the museum of contemporary art, where we saw a neat exhibit on contemporary art from china (good, but all about the tensions between tradition and modernity, almost every single piece), was also nice and empty.

we skipped from building to building, and i felt like i was retracing my high school steps, when i would take the bus downtown, go to the mall, catch a movie on oak street at the esquire (which we also did today)... i almost expected to run into the old crowd. i even did the frango mint thing at marshall field's, one for my brother in law and one for my in laws back in california. a sample bite was enough for me, who is indulging in way too much chocolate and goodies for the holidays.

tonight, out to dinner with my brother in law, then off to urbana bright and early tomorrow morning. i wish we had taken our camera with us, because a wintrey chicago with a dusting of snow would have been ridiculously photogenic.

we saw finding neverland, which was just lovely. it made me cry at several points, but it was just a lovely, beautiful story, and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

not much else. signing off for the moment, and probably for the next few days. not sure when/if i'll update in urbana. happy holidays!

dandlioneyes at 6:51 pm

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