01 March 2005

annual exam, but not really

is it a little bizarre and worrisome if you dream about a bizarre annual exam which takes place at your own house in your own bedroom? this woman came over with her husband. he sat and talked to my hubby, while this woman (who had chocolates with her as well) brought several of her friends into my bedroom and decided to do an annual exam. we never got to it because the whole thing made me decidedly uncomfortable. plus, she seemed to want to talk about bras instead. absolutely surreal and bizarre, let me tell you.

needless to say, i didn't sleep well. at 6 am (we went to bed at midnight) the phone rang -- we couldn't get to it in time. turns out it was a call from georgia, a place where my hubby is interviewing. so we lie in bed awake, thinking: now what did they want? turns out, since they had called yesterday, the guy accidentally called my hubby again this morning. *lovely*. accidentally. *sigh*

anyways, that's it in the dandelion househould. am super groggy and tired, and after yet another "what the hell is my future going to be" breakdown last night, triggered by "why the %^*&( do i have to live up to other people's expectations - why do i let myself care about their expecations?", i had hoped some sleep was in my future. ah well, green tea it is. hope i wake up today

dandlioneyes at 9:49 am

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