19 March 2005

green devils

the jalapeno experience: by ms. dandlioneyes.

so we go to a dinner party last night hosted by a friend of mine, a fantastic woman who lived in a former soviet republic for 2 years doing peace corps work. and they ask us, naturally, to pitch in a bit with the cooking, since 40 people will shortly be there.

i get the jalapenos.

we don't cook with jalapenos, so i have NO idea what awaits me.

at first, no problem. i chop and dice them nice and small and fine for the jalapeno corn bread - yum. and i dice six of those green devils.

one hour later the damage is done. my left hand is on fiver, my right hand has patches of red pain as well.

oh, great. lovely. i figure: let me just wash them in warm water with soap, and it'll all be better. WRONG.

hot water makes it worse. hot water makes my hand feel like i have just inserted it into a burning fireplace.

my friends, helpful as they are, suggest home remedies. so i try lemon. no, that just HURTS and stings in the cuts i have on my hands.

24 hours later my hand is better. i kid you not, it took that long. i emersed it in milk, in vinegar, held it under ice water, and held it in front of the A/C in the car. *great*

word to the wise: wear gloves when chopping little green devils!

dandlioneyes at 4:25 pm

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