21 March 2005

attitude and backyard toys

some points i have to make:

a children's toy that sings "i'm a t*nka truck just hear me roar, i'm rough and touch and ready for more" should be banned. especially at 9 pm on a rainy night (last night). it was in our yard. i'm not sure if a cat tripped the alarm, or what, but it had been playing for 3 hours when i finally decided to turn the thing off. easier said than done. i pushed a button, and the thing beeped at me. i pushed another, and an engine revved up. i got soggy in the rain pushing buttons, and all it would do is keep on singing the #%$^&*() song, and honk at me. i finally got it to turn off, but only after the dogs in the neighborhood had started to howl. go figure.

there are elderly people, and there are elderly people. with my vounteering i meet both kinds. there are those that are 90 and tell me everything that is wrong with their health, and how hard life is, and there are those who talk about their granddaughter trying to find a man to marry, and how she is an amazing doctor and how nice life is. seriously, it makes all the difference, outlook does. i want to be one of those energetic old ladies who, like my grandma, mows their own lawn at 78.

there were other interesting things i had to say, but i forgot.

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 7:42 pm

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