05 April 2005


back from the prairies of illinois, and again, i am jam-packed full of things i could write about, and i know they will all be lost in the bureaucracies of this week - as i get ready for this crazy trip to moscow.

moscow, i can't believe it. i've "learned" cyrillic, so that i at least can read signs. that doesn't translate into knowing what they say, of course, but it is a start. i've learned a few phrases (hello, help, how do you say X in russian, i don't speak russian, do you speak english, how are you, etc. etc.) - but if you all have any exciting or fun phrases in russian you want to share with me, please feel free to!

but i'm back safely, need to get prepped. as the world reacts to the death of the pope, i react to the death of my mentor in berkeley, my professor who got me into graduate school, put me on a professional path, and helped me get to where i am now. a sudden death, a heart attack while teaching - the news last week hit me hard. i'll write about that and many more things later.

dandlioneyes at 9:34 am

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