07 April 2005


it has been so long since i have updated regularly - for some reason, i don't have much to say. i mean, not much is going on, either, really. on a small scale, sure: hubby is off interviewing again, and we think he'll get an offer next week; i had a lovely social day yesterday seeing not only my grandmother and aunt, but my friend who used to be in the peace corps, my friend cindy (who visited me in germany last year), and dlands very own michl. also got to meet her lovely boyfriend - they are a great couple together!

the moscow trip is rapidly approaching: i am craming phrases such as sdrasvuyte, ya ne ponimayu, etc. it is fun driving around in my car talking to myself in russian. not that i have a chance in hell of understanding, but getting a few phrases down can't hurt.

but no large scale decisions or changes: the diss isn't done (ha!), we don't know where we will move to, and i don't know what sort of career changes await me. but that's ok.

off to breakfast with michelle. later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 8:21 am

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