20 April 2005


sick and i am not getting better, dagnammit. sick in a youth hostel. blah. at least i have a private room and bath.

i am supposed to go to the theater tonight, but we will see if that even turns into a viable option. i wish i wasn't sick. plus, the meeting with the advisor looms, and though she is infinitely kind, i have a stomach ache about it. of course, because yours truly hasn't really done much work at all....

not much else. it is beautiful here, wish i wasn't sick. had a lovely visit with my friend loewenzahn (too tired to link right now). we laughed and laughed and laughed, and no, my dad does not go fishing. i guess you had to be there for that one! it was a good visit, and it felt nice to be able to just talk and talk and talk.

more later, this internet thing is nutty expensive at the hostel, and i should finally start prepping for my meeting. later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:12 am

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