04 May 2005

beep beep beep beep

i have been waking up at 5:00am for the past three nights. so has my husband. on the button. as in -- no matter what time we go to bed, 5 am we are wired.

i think we figured it out. the neighbors (yes, the one's who have ridiculously loud sex -- note that they are in a detached building, for god's sake!) have an alarm. it rings. at -- yes, 5 am. Beep beep beep beep. i didn't hear it, but my husband did. which promted him to get out of bed to make sure it wasn't the fire alarm (it wasn't). which woke me up. which made me go to the bathroom. which made me, no connection here, lie in bed for an hour afterwards pondering about the various roads i used to drive up, down and over in seattle. which i may be driving again before long....

yes, an alarm clock. which rings at 5. i'm not a happy camper.

dandlioneyes at 10:12 am

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