29 May 2005


it is a quiet and overcast sunday morning. we are waiting for my hubby's folks to come over, and then we'll walk over to hobee's for breakfast -- michl will know the place i'm talking about! and though i won't have the tea, i'm hoping to have a nice big plate of pancakes with fruit, oh yes!

i feel inspired to write about my birthdays and how i celebrated them after reading loewenzahn's last entry about celebrating her birthday in a glass ball. i think my favorite birthdays ---

i was interupted, and it is now 4:39 pm. it has turned sunny and warmer, but i'ma bit chilled after napping. we went to breakfast (yes, pancakes with fruit!!!), and then to an antique store where we got three solid dark wood bookcases -- very excited! we fell in love with another piece -- an old cupboard door which would have been great to put up on the wall -- but $200 for a decoration piece was just too much at the moment.

now i've lost the steam to describe my favorite birthdays, but they were from my childhood, with treasure hunts organized by my mom, with apple eating competitions (apples strung on a string, arms behind our backs), with a german kids' game called "topfschlagen" (literally pot beating, and i'm talking about the type of pot you cook in) where you are blindfolded and there is a pot someplace in the room under which there are goodies and you crawl around on the floor beating the floor with a spoon trying to find the pot with the goodies. your buddies say hot and cold until you find it! LOADS of fun, and, now that i write this, it is a lot like swinging at a pinata!

anyways, now i did describe those birthdays, but not sufficiently. i am making some tea or pero to drink (the latter being a grain coffee-flavored drink which has worked well in my attempts to de-caffeinated my life a bit), and will try and work for a few hours. i leave on wednesday for providence, rhode island.

dandlioneyes at 4:40 pm

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