27 May 2005


you know, i didn't write about my sprinkler adventures that i had yesterday -- when was the last time you inadvertently ran through sprinklers? we were testing the sprinkler heads, and i was raking up some clippings, and WOOSH, nice cold streaks of water hit me pretty much everywhere, and i ran squealing through the yard. my hubby was laughing pretty hard. so was i, actually, because it has been a while since i actually ran through a sprinkler. i recommend it!

the gourmet cook strikes again! last night i made a cream of carrot soup from scratch with onions and ginger and curry powder. really delightful.

the procrastination queen also strikes-- haven't been able to concentrate, too many things on my mind.... among that long list of things i am thinking about is our move, and house buying (we are actively considering to do it when we get up to seattle, as opposed to waiting a year and saving a bit more money). you know, i am so sick of throwing my money away to rent....

we are going to see a play tonight, called "i am my own wife" -- it won tony awards in new york, and i'm really excited about it. too lazy to link, but you can google it. it is about a transvestite in berlin (true life story).

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 12:19 pm

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