08 June 2005

i'm a little bit verklemmt here

it is amazing how much an event you didn't attend can still manage to intrude into your life. i'm speaking of my 10 year high school reunion, which i missed, given the fact that i was out and about galavanting in rhode island. i don't feel bad about this, but it is still a feature of my daily thoughts, at least the past few days. i heard about it on the phone from our very own saucy99, and have now seen pictures. then i dreamt about meeting some of those people again. and then i saw more pictures. all in all, the whole thing has me a bit weirded out. saucy99 was able to overcome some of those feelings of insecurity (all of them, it seems) -- and maybe that is what it took, going to the reunion, and seeing how people have grown up and matured -- but i feel like all of those feelings have crept up in me and are lodged in my chest right now. i don't want to blame it all on the reunion -- being with a bunch of overachievers in rhode island certainly didn't help -- but it has been weird. the tricks one's mind can play on one.

we are having a good friend over for dinner tonight, and her boyfriend, WHO I HAVE NOT YET MET. and then they are crashing on the floor of our postage stamp sized apartment, which sounds like a riot and a bit of sleepover. *funny*

anyways, enough for the moment. i'm a little astonished at how verklemmt i do feel after seeing all those pictures. on the one hand -- fascinated. people have changed. on the other hand -- ack, high school SUCKED!

dandlioneyes at 8:33 am

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