21 June 2005


it doesn't feel like it is the 3rd week of june already. it doesn't feel like summer. it isn't swelteringly hot, there are no crickets, there is no humidity. i'm not sitting in a street cafe drinking an Eis Kaffee. i guess my idea of summer has been shaped and molded by summers as a child in champaign-urbana, as well as by the times i lived in, and spent summers in germany. nothing like a nice street cafe, chairs turned out to the street to conveniently watch people...i miss that!

otherwise, the work is slow, and it'll slow down even more when i go to urbana at the end of the week. maybe i'll get that sweltering summer i've been talking about down there! watch me complain about it then. actually, going to sydney and getting a dipped cone and sitting out listening to the chirping crickets is just what i want right now.

i guess that's all for the moment. we've been eating well, doing some jogging, and life has been quiet and calm. i can't believe we move in 40 -- is it now 39? -- days... wow....

dandlioneyes at 10:40 am

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