23 June 2005

locusts, oh boy

good lord. tomorrow it will be a high of 96 degrees in urbana. guess where i am going? urbana. what did i do, asking for a "real" summer? what kind of an idiot am i, huh? and i asked for humidity too?? jeesh! and crickets? i'll probably get a horde of locusts flying around, with my luck.

not packed, but i did do laundry. still doing dissertation stuff before getting this show on the road tomorrow....

we had two cute baby skunks visit us today. before you say "aww, how cute", because cute they are, i'm still not happy. they traipse by our stairs, snarfle the remaining catfood, scare the cats, and have the most beautiful black and white bushy tails. still, they are skunks. and as cute as pepe le pew was, i don't need him in my living room with his "parfum d'amour". seriously.

ah, nature, incliment weather, and the joy of the urban jungle. i need to pack.

dandlioneyes at 9:58 pm

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