03 July 2005

home from the prairie

well my week in illinois is over with, and i am back in california. but not for long, kind readers, not for long! on the 13th we head out to seattle for a *ohmygodhowexciting* house-hunting trip, and then move up there on august 1. i can't believe it. i can't even begin to fathom that we are settling down -- whatever that may mean.

illinois had its ups and downs. i ate like a little piggy-wig (BLTs, anyone? and fries? jeesh!), suffered under incredibly hot and humid weather, survived a hail-storm (yes, it was 95 in champaign-urbana and we still had hail for 5 minutes), and hung out with my parents and with loewenzahn and her boyfriend. it was hard being around my folks, in part, and in other ways i got really clingy and had a hard time leaving when i did. i guess it has been getting progessively easier over the past two years. two years - man oh man.

need to work out tomorrow. big time.

i also got a chance to see a photography exhibition of the photographer art sinsabaugh, who was new to me. the exhibition, put on by indiana university but also showing at the art museum of the university of illinois, was pretty darn neat. his photos captured the prairie perfectly, and even the deep canyonlands of downtown chicago in the 1960s reminded me of the way the city is now. click here for info on the exhibit -- make sure you click on exhibition and then on photographs to get to the list of pictures.

we are going out on a little walk now, in the cool evening. off i go to put on my shoes!

dandlioneyes at 8:19 pm

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