10 July 2005

you say hello, and i say goodbye -- or wait, was it the other way around?

it isn't easy saying goodbye to friends, and we said goodbye to four sets this weekend: brunch on saturday with a friend and her boyfriend, dinner on saturday with two other friends, and brunch this sunday with two other couples. it was friend overload, and while it did make me slightly melancholy (add that to the fact that i did no work, and when i tried, failed miserably), it was also plain exhausting. i'm not as social-butterfly-y as i used to be, if i ever was.

and couple that with the fact that we had two lovely (sarcasm, sarcasm) interactions about when we were considering to have children. while my sweetie and i have thought about this question a lot, and have our concrete ideas and answers to that question, it really doesn't concern anyone at this moment. unless we tell them. it was prying, prodding, and altogether unpleasant and uncomfortable. while it may be true that we are in that age group, people really need to mind their own business. i don't mean to be harsh, but i was so frustrated after those conversations, that i just had to vent.

tomorrow: moving two desks and a mattress down to palo alto. tuesday: laundry and work work work. wednesday: HOUSE HUNTING TRIP TO SEATTLE!!

dandlioneyes at 11:13 pm

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