24 July 2005

on the road again

an early morning sunday with coffeecoffeecoffee oh how i love thee coffee. no, i'm not tired, and my little ode to coffee has nothing to do with the fact that i got up at 7 am on a sunday (weekend=sleep-in for me....) no, nothing at all!

i'm exhausted. the coffee tastes bitter, i shouldn't drink so much of it because it makes me anxious, and leaves me jittery and with an upset stomach. i was off of it in the fall, and had more energy because of it. i should try that again. of course, moving to the city that has been defining the urban coffee experience for the past 30 years now won't make that easy.

i can't fathom that today in a week we'll be sitting in a car, trucking up highway 5. wow. the move is right here, in front of our noses, and our apartment looks 100% lived in, not packed, not clean. the next few days will be fun (tongue in cheek, fun. moves stress me out!). 11 months ago i left g�ttingen and moved here; in one week i leave palo alto and actually settle down in seattle. i can't believe it. i'm so excited and nervous at the same time!

dandlioneyes at 8:55 am

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