29 February 2004

on my mind

things on my mind:

a) use the web less. use d-land less. use e-mail less. i can e-mail and surf the web for hours. bad dandlioneyes, bad! down with procrastination! long live productivity! (how ironic: here i am, writing, talking about how i want to do less of this. is that irony? i'm not up on my classifications...)

b) going to hamburg next week. the close friend of my grandfather (who passed away in 1993) passed away, and the funeral is on friday the 5th. we're staying a few extra days.... won't be easy. his oldest son is extremely wealthy and not my favorite; his second child, a daughter, was the goddaughter of my grandfather and i like her... but still, funerals are hard.

c) planning all sorts of conference activities: i seem to be on a one-on, one-off sort of phases. one year i go, one year i don't. this year, i'm shooting for two. the big one for my discipline, folklore, and the big one for anthroplogy. which i have never applied for. so i'm nervous. (o-rama).

anywho, gaters, be good and enjoy the weekend for me!

dandlioneyes at 12:22 pm

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