18 May 2004

strangers, procrastination, and, oh yes, great big sea

[previous entry]: so someone from the army always reads this (hello there), and there are some bizarr-o urls that show up. identify yourselves, strangers, leave me a note.

on another note, i'm sitting here happily surfing the web, happy that i have an idea (lightbulb flashed last night) for the paper, but unhappy about having to actually *do* it. can't the work just magically be done? i'll pay someone to do it for me. really i will. while i open up my bed-and-breakfast in kauai!

on a third note, if you haven't heard the band great big sea (they are from newfoundland), you haven't heard the greatest band from newfoundland ever. i've been listening to them non-stop today. and i mean on repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat mode.

dandlioneyes at 3:21 pm

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