20 May 2004

pulling the plug ... on the internet

go me! i cut myself off of internet for 2 hours (usually i am connected at my desk with a lovely ethernet cable), and i got work done. AMAZING! i'm very proud of myself and i couldn't go cold turkey the whole day, but i'm only taking a little hit of the world wide web right now, i swear! i'm so addicted.hello, my name is dandlioneyes, and i'm, i'm an internet addict. internet addicts annonymous. or, rather, diaryland addicts annonymous. i need a 12-step program, i swear.

today ahs been good with work. yesterday was a disaster, because someone (me) decided to be self-destructive and NOT work even though i knew that that was bad for me and my state of mind. i couldn't work. i really, really couldn't.

ok, the plug is being pulled again. i'll check in about 2,5 hours, and i expect oodles of lovely updates from all over the place to keep me happy.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 2:26 pm

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