22 May 2004


previous entry today. all about laundry and ibsen.

i just got back from doing said laundry. which was fine. the usual. but there was a woman and her baby and husband at the laundromat, and the woman looked like she had been beaten up by her husband. and she was pregnant. a split lip, she seemed scared (typical abuse victim behaviour, very jumpy around the husband). i can't be sure. but it broke my heart and made me feel very very angry at people who think violence is an option. i'm sorry, violence is never an option. maybe in self defense, probably - i don't think self defense counts as an option, that is gut instinct - but beating your wife? uh-uh, NO. i didn't know what to do, couldn't do anything, but it scared me and made me very sad.

dandlioneyes at 1:51 pm

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