22 May 2004

ibsen's laundry

waiting for my hair to dry before i skeedaddle over to the swish-swoosh-swish-swoosh laundromat.

i have clothes to wash, places to be. clothes: for the trip. places: california.

i'm all about california. the fog in the morning, so moist and chilly that you need to bundle up, burning off to a crisp, cloudless day by noon, the smell of the burnt brown hills, the smell of warmth (warmth on grass, on trees, on asphalt, a mingling of smells). i'm all about the people - friendly, a bit nutty, perhaps superficial but i don't think so - and about the attitude. its all about the attitude.

and i'm talking northern california here. i can't speak for SoCal, i'm not a big fan. it sure is pretty, but its a different world.

i can't wait.

and tonight i get to see peer gynt at the deutsches theater here in g�ttingen, and i read what it is supposed to be about, and it will be so up my alley. ibsen seems to draw on fairy-tale and legend motifs, and a farmlad (of course) waltzing his way through them, rather recklessly. what happens, in other words, when you don't obey the internal dynamics of a tale. that said: i haven't seen it. i could be completely off base. i'll report on that, later.

laundryswishswish then lugging the heavy bag home and packingpackingpacking and i can't wait. kid in a candy shop, that's me! (better than ein elefant im porzellanladen....)

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 10:26 am

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