05 November 2004

urban jungle

ah yes, friday night. and now back to our regularly scheduled program of blathering on about my oh-so-uneventful and oh-so-unproductive life. but that's okay. i enjoy my life. i am making things like pear-pecan bread (and date-nut bread). cream of mushroom soup. i'm going to the movies tonight (the incredibles) to get a laugh, because god knows we need a little bit of humor in our lives.
i need to mention that i seem to be feeding more than just the neighborhood cats. more than just the six or seven neighborhood cats. more than just the skunks (who, thank god, haven't been around for a while). yesterday evening i hear a clatter outside our door, and peek out, and see a little opossum nibbling on cat food. they have rodent-like tails, but otherwise i don't mind them. he scuttles/waddles off, and then, thirty minutes later, i hear it again. open goes the door, out peeks i, and what do i see? two giant, and i mean giant racoons, chowing down on purina cat chow (or was it friskies?). they scared me more than i scared them, and i closed the door. off they scuttled. and yes, because all good things are three, i hear the clatter again, and said rodent-tail 'possum was back. my goodness, quite the zoo we harbor outside in our back yard, apparently. urban jungle and whatnot?
i want to zap into an alternative universe in which kerry won and live there. who's with me?

dandlioneyes at 5:50 pm

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